Monday, June 18, 2012

~Good News (And a Complimentary Magazine!) In My Mailbox~

......And most of you know what THAT means.  I received word the other day that a few of my Halloween collages are included in the SUMMER 2012 issue of Somerset Studio Gallery magazine.  Better news yet, is that I share the pages with some of my favorite art people/ friends! Nancy Lefko  and Pat May are included in this issue, and what a thrill to be among such wonderful, warm, talented people.  


  1. Hip Hip HORRAY! What wonderful news and what wonderful collages! It's always makes your heart beat faster to know that they liked what you made and put it in their magazine!
    Congratulations! I'll look for a copy!

  2. Congratulations, thats really excellent news.

  3. So fun to share space with you also, Carol.
    Congratulations and here's to many more publications!

  4. And thank you for tipping us off! It's so wonderful of you to include us in your blog article, Carol!! I will be happy to return the favor, I've not even posted to my FB page yet......nor my blog, it is on my tah-do list tho. I love your Halloween canvases. What an honor to have them feature 3!! I've always loved all your mixed media papers and jewelry.

  5. Congrats on your beautiful pieces being published! I'll be on the lookout for that one. Have a great week.


  6. congrats! It always feels good to be featured or published!
