My husband began making these twisted wire easels for me, when he gave special Valentines and small vintage items to me as gifts. I think they are great for ATC / ACEO displays. Measuring approximately 2 inches x 2 1/2 inches, they are a perfect fit for ACEO's or any small photo/collage/artwork. Fits both vertically and horizontally. They look great grouped together ,and here is your chance to win 3 of them!! On February 28th, I will randomly pick one person who has posted a comment to win 3 of these easels, and you can choose to either keep them for your own ATC collection, or give them away when you sell one of your own. Please just comment about what you think of these easels, and if you have any suggestions on how I can improve upon them. I am currently selling them in my Etsy shop as well. Thanks and good luck!
Hiya Carol~
I like these, a lot. Umm, are you a Flickr member? If so there are a good many ACEO groups there, while you can not "offer your shop link", maybe just add the pics in the groups..so people know of them? Just a thought.
Oh! Oh! I would love to have some of these. How perfect would they be for my mini paintings?
Pick me! Pick me!
Cute stands for any small pictures!
How very clever!
Those are really nice!!! :)
Hey Carol. Will spread the word over at ZNE. I know there's an ATC group on Ebay but don't know anything about it. Also I promoted my last drawing on http://bloggiveaways.blogspot.com
Had some new people enter. I'm guessing they came from there
Kathy, I think you'll be very successful with those adorable easels when the word gets out! They are just perfect for ACEOs!
Doh, that would be "Carol, I think they are going to be very successful"! I was looking at Kathy's avatar while typing. Just for penance I'm going to go buy some from your shop!! I can use them in my etsy photos for my ACEOs! And I'll give you a plug, so don't worry about me for your contest here, just cheerleading for you!!!
Carol I am so glad you have decided to sell these mini easels! I think they will do well. I only have a cheap little wooden one so I'll be checking your shop out for sure! (Well in less I win - lol!) I'll still need some more. I can use them at work and at home.
Carol--I think these are perfect!! Thanks for the giveaway. I'll do whatever I can to help spread the word.
I really love these mini easels! It's always a challenge to find ways to display ACEO's and this is one of the best I've seen.
I agree with Kathy about adding a pic to Flickr groups that ACEO artists would frequent.
Good luck with them!
With your permission I would like to take this picture and put it on my blog along with the link to your blog as well as your Etsy Shop.
Please add my name to your giveaway. AND PICK ME!
What a great idea to put with an ACEO or ATC!
God Bless You
Now Carol don't pay any attention to Patti cuz I want them...they are darling and perfect for ATC/ACEOs Your hubby could make them and you sell them in your shop..wow you'd make a fortune too!!!
I love your blog!! Gonna link it to mine...Blessings!!
Wow they are so cool! I can't think of anything to make them better - they are great already! Great price for them too!
What a fantastic idea! I think they're perfect--no improvement needed! I found you through Patti of Treasure Barn--nice to visit--love your art! Smiles, Jann
I think these are great. I've toyed with the idea of ACEO. This would be a great way to get started collecting.
Those are pretty!! I have no suggestions....I think they are great just the way they are!
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
These would be great for my husband's lil drawings! I would love to display his artwork on your lovely easels! Please pick me!
Check out my giveaway http://joeandbethany.blogspot.com
These are fantastic! I like to use nice pieces to display my work for my blog photographs and these would work wonderfully! They are pretty, but they don't distract from the artwork!
I love these. I have been using stands of this type for years around my house to display my children's pictures on that I frame rather than hanging them on the wall. I think the ones you have are perfect as is
dctm at bellsouth dot net
WOW!!!! These would be great to display some of my pictures from abroad!! They're awesome!!
Please enter me in your giveaway!!
These would be perfect for me to display some pictures of my son I've been working on.
I love the easels as well, I think they are adorable!!! Could be a start of an entirely new line of products for you!
I LOVE those easels. I collect ATC & ACEO. I would love a way to display my favorites on a rotating basis.
I think that the easels would be adorable with a glass bead on the end of the spiral part. Not a big change, but would add a bit of interest and color.
Your new easels are so cute...just perfect for displaying ACEOs and on a desk or shelf.
these would be great with a couple extra twists to be turned into those envelope holder thingys you put on your desk! But I love them just as they are though!
Would love to be included! Thank you. I've got a Give-Away going too, I hope you and your readers get a chance to stop by.
Those are great. Here's an idea for you - for another style, bend a heart into the ends. Your husband is sweet like mine. He ends up helping me with all kinds of projects. In fact, he's out in the shop doing just that! LOL! - Teresa
Those easels are fantastic. There must be a market for them. Also maybe they can be done in off-white?
I think these are very neat and creative. I wish I had any ideas on how to help you.
Hi Carol~
So happy I saw you post this.
Please enter me in your generous drawing. The easels are so cute.
Those are great! Maybe you can think of a variation where the front ends are not as visible.
These are totally amazing, I love them!! Your hubby should try and make letters as well, they would be great, I'd buy them!!
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